~I want….You~

I want short distance to close love, spontaneous outburst of affection not planned touches or moments, fast reflex amazing flexibility both internally and externally, truth always, no lies, crazy mad love.. the kind that legends are made of,not level headed well thought,yet always coming out right, tThunder I want Storms of flesh under sheets, I want Devine reward for a strength well mastered, I want change as long as it reveals beauty, to cry less, laugh more, long walks, rainbows 🌈 I want money lots of money just to share and not to care leaving all burdens behind, I want to be kind, even when someone has been careless with words and emotional harm, I want to see it my way, I want my way to align with what my God has planned. I want to be strong stand straight learn my best to not hate.

~I Can Fly~

I am poetry in motion flowing through your mind plowing through your thoughts

I am the idea you had, how it could be however you lacked vision you couldn’t see

The idea died
I am your past yet I live in your future, I live in your dreams yet you still have nightmares, I’m still the angel that comforts you, you’ve just forgot…..I am the face in the crowds…Flowing to the rhythm swaying to the beat, As multitudes stride with me traveling…..I may fall to the ground but like a cat I land on my feet
I am eternal Yet this body I am using will waste with age yet onward I travel to greater things, with angel wings eagles feet I rise……no longer needing the shackles of my old body. I have wings now up and away to the sky I can fly!

~The Struggle~

It’s always some struggle, because there is always some fight.
It’s always a struggle in the day and at night.

Egos at play
Words you can’t say
It makes it easy for our hearts to stray.

I place upon you,
You place upon me
We can never seem to just let it be.

Twisting and turning convoluted
In fashion.
Lacking control and abandoned compassion.

Brutal in truth
Standing your ground
Ominous atmosphere
Thick all around.

Minds that refrain
Lives in constant pain
Lives in the struggle
The never ending strain.

Pitiful characters are what comes to mind.
Knowing the struggle they constantly find.

Not For Reproduction~

Timeless Love~Kismet’s Dance~

I linger in this place far too often,
Entertaining my deep desire.
To share this existence as one being,
Igniting passionate fire.
But years are stacked like a large pile of books waiting to be read, instead forgotten.
We transcend time only to face, the ever reminding calendar,
This overwhelming space…. This gap..
….Tallied up in years,
Unrequited love….
….Captivating fears…..
Age holds no rank in timeless love,
But for some there is regard.
Many won’t understand this love, Sowing strife to make it hard.
Hold fast the image I’ve etched into your mind.
Cross reference your every thought.
Search beyond all reason,
Delving deep within your heart.
The truth be double edged you see,
your need yet unfulfilled.
I linger in this place.
Closing my eyes I see your face,
I linger… As do you.
We linger awaiting yet a chance,
To close our eyes to this life,
To awake in the next life to dance.
My love to dance!
Waltz with me eternally,
Rhythmically Swaying to our song.
Cosmically meeting in each life,
Never to determine just how long.
Awakening in each life meeting by more than just a chance…..
Kismet …. in the next life yet again to dance…. Kismet’s dance.
My love to dance!
Dance my love …….To Dance.




I am a human being
I am not your possession
I am a singular Person
I am not alone in this World
I am unconditional
I am not without Standards
I am a control freak
I am not always in control
I am intelligent
I am not without ignorance
I am bipolar
I am not crazy
I am open about my mental illness
I am not without stigma
I am loving
I am not without regret
I am honest
I am not without lies throughout my life
I am complex
I am not without others understanding me
I am flawed
I am not without beauty
I am accepting
I am not without judging
I am broken
I am not without healing
I am a contradiction
I am not without absolutes
I am strong
I am not without weakness
I am random
I am not without concentration
I am observant
I am not without unawareness
I am a friend
I am not without enemies
I am happy
I am not without sadness
I am a tweeter
I am not always able to express myself in 160 characters or less
I am blogger
I am not an award winning writer…..yet
I am strong in presence
I am not always seen
I am humble
I am not without pride
I am a child of God
I am not without sin
I am me
I am not you~
Not for Reproduction~

~And Did You~Well?~

And did you

Did you
And did you
Did you
And did you
Did you
And did you
Did you
Self evaluate
And did you
Did you
And did you
Did you
And did you
Did you
And did you
Did you
Have purpose
And did you
Did you
And did you
Did you
Look closely
And did you
Did you
Count the cost
And did you
Did you
Feel the loss
And did you
Did you
And did you
Did you
And did you
Did you
Have purpose
And did you
Did you
Know it wasn’t just you?
And did you
Did you
Know it wasn’t just me?
And did you
Did you
Have ability to see?
And did you
Did you ever truly hear me?

~Beautifully Unfinished~

Know that I shall not hang on

So why can’t I let go?

In my dreams when I’m with you

Somehow I forget to breath

You got me like a rag doll

Now I’m dancing on your string

And I keep trying

To figure out

Who you are to me

Maybe all that

We were meant to be

Is beautifully unfinished

Cause your’re the one

I can’t lose

You’re  the one

That I can’t win

Maybe all that we were meant to be was beautifully unfinished

~I Want This~Doe’s it  Come In Pill?~Not Hardly~

I want someone to love, to love me as I love them.I want someone passionate for me forever,now and way beyond the end. I want to  breath the air they breath. I want someone who’s touch sends electricity through my body and up my spine, gives me goose bumps from the thoughts of what we do alone behind closed doors, Is it asking to much for them to feel the same maybe even more? I am not up for anymore games…..

I  want to feel the adrenaline rush, I’m sure they do too…especially when the adrenaline rush is made by me and hopefully you(whoever you are)

I want a key you see made exactly to fit into you and you into me. Lacking in nothing complete oh so sweet, so cunning yet Devine the love we can make for the rest of time. I want someone to be like rolling thunder and crashing waves against me and my skin ….their skin….Us between the sheets,outside the sheets, I want to roll and crash and ride the waves with them. I want to experience something beautiful and unknown together. Shared with no other.I want someone to make me feel safe in their arms to feel safe from all harm.

I want them to feel safe with me and know I would walk to hell and back if I had too just for them to see.

I want someone who will not lie to me or hide things from me and Who will not be a drunk.

I don’t want to lie to them either don’t want no reason too. All emotional drama and junk be gone from my life, don’t need the discord don’t need the strife.

I want someone to hold my hand. I want to hold their hand too…….. until we are old until we leave this earth.

I want someone who won’t leave me,to believe in me, believe in my worth, as I will do for them.I want someone who will honor and respect me till the end. An ever burning fire, I want a relationship that won’t expire…..
I won’t ever leave them. Even in the after life and beyond we will dance that cosmic dance…..with my best friend my lover my heart.

This is what I want. This is where it starts….Now the standard I’ve set perhaps makes it a possible fact that you don’t exist that’s why we never met, maybe I’ve said all this because I don’t believe you exist, if you don’t exist then I can’t get hurt, and to me that’s smart, I’ll live trying to hold on to what’s left of my heart.
However………. the fact of the matter is not settling for nothing less , nothing less than best. To be clear without fear I often wonder if you are very near…. or perhaps you’re so far away and today is not the day it may be another….. well

I want someone that’s the total package too, as I’m sure you want that as well.

Tell me Is that someone you?

If it is I have waited my whole life for you as you have for me.

May our love be forever may we always be, happy, healthy, prosperous loving and free. Never wanting , always fulfilled.

To bad you can’t get this in a pill.


Not For Reproduction ~

~The Moth~

~Like a moth to the flame, bursting with light, I eagerly follow and put forth no fight~wings spread outward fluttering fast, I am hoping to captivate love at long last~burning the edges as I ignite in flame when I finally realize that it’s not a game~I struggle to back track to gain back my strength I’m slowly learning that you will go to any length~This marvelous magic stunning surreal I am waking up and I can now feel~ your powerful magnetism drawing me near as I let down my walls and abandon all fear~

Make no mistake as I slowly burn, that time has a way to make it your turn~
So when you feel powerful, all above, remember the fine line between hate and love~

You’ve been allowed into my secrets and my tethered torn walls~make no quick movements right now I can show you heaven or hell somehow~Moths are like butterfly’s in so many ways~transforming even burning it’s life light churning~Emerging with brilliance shimmering light perhaps it maybe you who will now have to fight, I’ll make it so true, and most definitely real to a point that I’m all that you Will feel~

I’ll burn in my heart, I’ll burn in my hell, I’ll take this time as the tides begin to swell~ this current this flame is not a game, I speak clearly now~and you’ll scream my name, I’ve screamed yours on a time or two/too
Suppose it’s that flame that keeps it real ~keeps it true.

Aaaahhh yes You.

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My Love~

My Love

I can see you~

My Love

I can smell you~

My Love

I can Sense you~

My Love

I can hear you……you call to me~

My Love

I  crave you~

My love

It’s your hand~

My Love

It’s your eyes….. Deep like an ocean full of emotion~

My Love

It’s your touch~

My Love

I can taste you~

My Love

I dream of you….. in my sleep and in my waking and walking life~

My Love

I want your heart~

My Love

I hold your heart~

My Love

I give you my heart….be gentle for it is fragile~

My Love

You are the sky~

My love

You are my Sun….and it sets each day, evening, into the night This love is right, hold on tight, times may get rough Don’t let go~

My Love

You are my moon….dripping into the night sky invading my dreams then awaking me at dawn~

My love

Do you feel me? Like I feel you?

My Love

Our emotions, thoughts, hearts are so true, my love I love only you~

My Love

I want to spend the rest of my life with only you, to grow old with you, each day to see still something yet new in you~

Forever My love

Yours truly,

Your Love…………….Forever~