~Let Me Introduce Myself, I am Depression~A must Read for anyone Depressed~

~You point out all the reasons to not be depressed. I see clearly the things you so readily direct my attention to.

What you can not see is for all the positives you see, there are negatives waiting to consume the positives you point out to me.

With brittle faith, and frailty  of the mind, the positives you refer to are impossible to find But wait… Hold on a minute, it could be far worse than you have.
Could it now? In this I believe. But often easier spoken than to fully receive.You must change your thoughts, don’t think about these things.
Oh, ok and again I can hear what you say. But shifting this mindset will take more than a day. It will only surrender when it’s run it’s course, after consuming the mind with regret and remorse. Shake it off already get over it, move on.
Oh, I see… You have not met me, let me introduce myself, get acquainted with you. In no random order I’ll make you feel blue. My name is depression, mental illness with no cure. To live right beside me you’ll have to learn to endure.
‘Ill make your decision making a complete udder mess, while you can’t decide which question to address.Remorse, despair, there with no hope, I’ll squeeze out your life until you choke… And then right before you take your last breath, I’ll decide that to today will not be your death.
I want you to be quiet, don’t say a word, it makes the goal easy, you’ll never be heard. Genetics is what I hear many say , is the very reason you are this way. But I’m no respecter of persons, not choosy one bit, I’ll  fester around you and in your mind I will sit.

Awaiting the circumstance to sneak my way in, and you’ll question the link of genetics again. But regardless you will not win, and I’ll  not give a clue, because its to easy to get within you.

Invisibility to me can not be acquired , nor obtained.  The seeds are well planted and I’ll make you feel that all is for granted.

I prefer to romance you, woo as you will. Tinker and tangle the web I can weave, and the beauty of all, is I’ll never leave. Not for long at least, but when I’m away, you might enjoy life for more than a day.~

32 thoughts on “~Let Me Introduce Myself, I am Depression~A must Read for anyone Depressed~

  1. Pingback: ~Let Me Introduce Myself, I am Depression~A must Read for anyone Depressed~ — Bipolar Tapestry~Poetic Thoughts | Ups Downs Family History

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  3. Pingback: ~Let Me Introduce Myself, I am Depression~A must Read for anyone Depressed~ — Bipolar Tapestry~Poetic Thoughts - Cathys Crafty Designs

  4. Pingback: Another Fantastic post from Nicole Moncada - Deep insight all should read! - Cathys Crafty Designs

  5. Wow. Very powerful. May I share this on my blog? I only started last week and only have a few followers, but this post has really moved me. I would like my friends and family to read it and maybe get a better understanding of depression. Your words are so beautiful…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: ~Let Me Introduce Myself, I am Depression~A must Read for anyone Depressed~ — Bipolar Tapestry~Poetic Thoughts – What is your recovery story

  7. The problem is people don’t understand that this is real, not a choice. The answer lies within our brain chemistry. Stay strong. Keep writing, sometimes it’s all we can do to keep some piece of sanity.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Pingback: ~Let Me Introduce Myself, I am Depression~A must Read for anyone depressed~ — Bipolar Tapestry~Poetic Thoughts – The Tales Of FallenAngel and the AfterMeth

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